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Our commitment to the environment began long before the first earth was moved. Dartmouth Crossing was designed with environmental stewardship and sustainability as core planning principles. As a result of this dedication, two brooks on the property have been restored.
You can read an update on our successful rehabilitation of Grassy Brook in this April 19, 2016 article on
Years of blasting had created an environment where the stream beds of Grassy and Frenchman’s Brooks were higher than the surrounding ground. This meant that they had to be built up so that rainwater could once again seep into the brooks and keep the water levels high. The bedrock had been fractured by the blasting and that too had an effect on where the water flowed. Blasting and other unnatural occurrences through the years also meant that the two brooks were no longer habitats for trout.
The land around both of these brooks has been rescued, and trout are now spawning in ponds created by Dartmouth Crossing.
Dartmouth Crossing is also taking an innovative approach to handling rainwater.
Rainwater is collected that runs off the roofs of buildings in The Village Shops, run over concrete pads to be aerated, channelled into wetlands, and eventually, into Grassy Brook.
The result is “Grassy Brook Park”, which is located beside the Augusta Bridge in the heart of The Village Shops at Dartmouth Crossing. The park has a spawning bed for trout and is the home of Pondside Amphitheatre, a popular venue for community events, outdoor movie screenings and musical performances. Visitors viewing Grassy Brook Park from the bridge will notice that it is has actually been designed in the shape of a fish (with the Pondside Amphitheatre stage forming the fish’s eye).